Multisector policy development, multisector collaboration and coordination, and policy change processes; evaluation; aid effectiveness; health systems strengthening; adolescent and school health; sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR); comprehensive sexuality education (CSE); and HIV and AIDS.Skills
Health and education sector policy development; policy analysis; consensus building for multisectoral collaboration; program development, management, implementation and monitoring and evaluation; strategy development; programme and policy evaluation; research, and written and verbal synthesis.Background and relevant experience:
Audrey has over 25 years of experience, in development and the health and education sectors in West and Southern Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Asia. She has wide-ranging experience working for bilaterals, multilaterals, governments and NGOs, providing technical expertise for policy and programme development and evaluation. She has excellent analytical skills, both quantitative and qualitative; management and coordination skills; as well as interpersonal and communications skills. She has extensive experience writing technical as well as communication materials for different audiences. She has worked for DFID, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, World Bank, WHO, NGOs such as ActionAid, Rutgers, and national ministries amongst others.
Recent experience:
- WHO - Technical support to WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, and early adopter countries on school health. Managed the development of the new Global Platform to Monitor School Health, including developing a new survey, evaluation and scoring mechanisms, and automated reporting.
- Rutgers WFP – Support to Right Here Right Now 2 partners on institutionalising sexuality education within government systems.
- UNESCO – Assessment of UNESCO’s Education for Health and Well-being Strategy, and development of options and a theory of change to inform the 2022-2029 Strategy.
- UNESCO - Development of Botswana’s school health policy and programme.
- Rutgers WFP – Guidance for CSOs on supporting the scale-up of comprehensive sexuality education.
- UNESCO - Researched and developed the Regional Report on Adolescents and Young People in West and Central Africa (WCA). The report was the basis for national consultations and the development in 2023 of a regional commitment by governments and stakeholders on sexual and reproductive health and education.
- UNICEF - Developed Namibia’s Integrated School Health Policy and Programme.
- UNICEF - Developed UNICEF’s Adolescent Health, Nutrition and Wellbeing Guidelines.
- UNESCO - Developed communication and advocacy materials on CSE.
- UNFPA - Regional and country reviews of implementation of AYSRHR services in WCA. Regional report: Adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights services. Key elements for implementation and scaling up in West and Central Africa.
- UNFPA - Regional and country reviews on implementation and scale-up of CSE programmes in WCA. Regional report: Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Key considerations for implementation and scaling up in WCA.
- WHO - Researched and developed: Regional Mapping of Current Adolescent Health Interventions, Programmes, Initiatives and Partners in the African Region.
- UNESCO - Research on the nature and extent of processes ministries must invest in, to sustainably scale-up CSE and SRHR services. Authored two reports: CSE Scale Up in Practice, Case Studies from Eastern and Southern Africa, and Strengthening comprehensive sexuality education for young people in school settings in Zambia: A review and documentation of the scale-up process.