Clare Dickinson

Clare Dickinson

For a full and up to date CV, please email:

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Global health partnership and UN agency policies and practices; global and national HIV policies and responses; integration of health services; health systems strengthening; primary health care; universal health coverage; aid effectiveness and aid modalities; policy change processes; technical support modalities; civil society organisations and advocacy.


Health policy analysis; evaluation design and implementation; strategy development and review; development of learning materials and events; project management and technical coordination; drafting technical briefs, synthesis and report writing, independent peer review and quality assurance.

Background and relevant experience:

Clare has 30 years of international development experience of working on short-and long-term engagements in East and Southern Africa, South and Southeast Asia. Recently Clare has worked on a range of assignments for WHO, The Global Fund, UNAIDS, Gates Foundation as a team leader, team member or advisor. Examples include:

  • The Global Fund Team Leader: Independent evaluation of the Funding Request and Grant Making processes
  • WHO Team Leader: Independent evaluation of the Special Programme on Primary Health Care
  • UNAIDS Technical Support Mechanism Technical adviser: National strategic planning processes
  • UNAIDS Team Leader: Independent evaluation of UNAIDS Country Envelopes funding mechanism
  • UNAIDS Co-Team Leader: UNAIDS Joint Programme support to key populations
  • The Global Fund Consultant: Strategic Review 2017-2022 Strategy
  • The Global Fund Co-Team Leader: Prospective Country Evaluations in Cambodia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Sudan.
  • WHO UHC2030 Consultant: Transitioning from external aid - mapping of development partner policies and practices and ongoing technical support to the technical working group on transition from external aid in the health sector and sustainability.
  • Gates Foundation Consultant: Evaluation of BMGF investments in advocacy for the Global Fund
  • International Health Partnership+ (2016) Advisor: Review of IHP+ constituency-based governance for UHC2030.
  • CEPA Advisor: Strategic inputs to the design and implementation of a review of the Global Fund/WHO Cooperation Agreement.
  • Global Fund Consultant: Strategic Review of the Global Fund’s 2012-2016 Strategy.
  • UNAIDS Consultant: Review of existing indicators for the elimination of parallel systems and HIV integration and development of options for future indicators (post-2015).
  • Global Fund Consultant: Review of Global Fund operations in Fragile States.
  • UNDP Team Leader: Development of corporate strategy and organisation options for Swaziland’s National AIDS Commission.
  • Ausaid Consultant: Multi-donor strategic review of HIV in ten Asian countries. Case studies undertaken in Thailand and Indonesia.
  • WHO Team Leader: Realist Evaluation of budget advocacy investments in Bangladesh, the Philippines and Uganda.
  • OECD Consultant: Synthesis report of aid effectiveness in the health sector prepared for the Task Team Health as a Tracer Sector for the Fourth High Level Forum in Busan, Korea, November 2011.
  • UNDP Technical Coordinator: External evaluation of the Joint UNDP/WB/UNAIDS Programme for Strengthening Capacity for integrating AIDS into PRSPs and National Development Plans


University of Manchester, Masters Education for Primary Health Care (1995); University College London, BSc Geography (1988)


Clare is British and lives in France. She has lived in Indonesia, Pakistan, Kenya, Bangladesh, and Japan. She has done short term work in Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Zambia, Swaziland, Uganda.