Louisiana Lush

Louisiana Lush

For a full and up to date CV, please email: louisiana.lush@nichad.org

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Senior international executive and project team leader with 30 years’ experience in global health, including for government, international, private and academic organisations, with a PhD in international health policy. Extensive, deep knowledge of governance and global health, with exceptional skills in creating and delivering strategic vision, establishing and sustaining partnerships. Recent experience with the Global Fund, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, DFID, WHO and the World Bank, leading high-performing, multidisciplinary and international teams communicating strategic advice to Boards/senior management under tight timelines.


Team leadership and management; strategic planning and communication; evaluation and problem solving; international organisation governance and partnership; government relations and policy environment; public and third sector delivering results and impact assessment; fundraising and sustainability; public policy and finance; global health policy; sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia; public speaking and presentation, including to top-level audiences.

Key areas of interest:

global health architecture and partnerships; development effectiveness; advocacy, politics and health; organisational governance and reform; health systems; human resources for health; maternal, newborn and child health; HIV/AIDS; neglected tropical diseases and malaria.

As an independent consultant Louisiana has recently worked on the following projects, amongst others:

  • Global Fund: Strategic Review of the Global Fund 2012-16 Strategy and Prospective Country Evaluation
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Evaluation of global health research and development advocacy and advocacy for the Global Fund 5th Replenishment
  • WHO/World Bank: Rapid review and developing an accountability framework for UHC2030; technical support to the sustainability and transition working group
  • WHO/World Bank: Third and Fourth IHP+ progress reviews and Performance Reports
  • GAVI: Options for participation in joint annual reviews (JARs), joint assessments of national strategies and plans (JANS) and pooled funding mechanisms
  • DFID: Evaluation of DFID Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Health Framework for Results
  • WHO/World Bank: Review of experiences and needs of different stakeholders in relation to Joint Assessments of National Strategies and Plans (JANS)
As a senior health adviser during five years at the Department for International Development, Louisiana:

  • Led the Africa regional human development team, including designing and commissioning a large programme of maternal and reproductive health financing in Africa; and
  • Led a health systems team, including health architecture - the International Health Partnership, health financing, human resources, TB, malaria and neglected tropical diseases;
  • Was multilateral health lead (WHO, World Bank, UN, global funds), including representing the UK at UN and EC Boards and other political negotiations around new partnerships.
As an academic policy analyst for 12 years at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Louisiana led a number of multi-country research programmes, including integration of reproductive health and primary health care, examining the process of transfer of global STI and TB policies to countries and analysing the impact of family planning policies. She also worked on access to medicines for HIV/AIDS and neglected tropical diseases, public-private partnerships, getting research into policy and maternal health.


Louisiana has a degree from Oxford University and an MSc and PhD from the LSHTM. She has lived in Pakistan and South Africa and worked in China, Ghana, Kenya, Tunisia, Thailand, Sudan, Uganda, the United Kingdom, the United States, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe. She is a British national, lives in London and speaks English fluently and some French. She has been trustee of local and international charities. For a full CV please contact Louisiana at the email at the top of this page.