Universal health coverage; health systems, especially health service delivery, and working with technical programmes on bottlenecks to service delivery; the stewardship of health systems; monitoring of health system performance; health aid effectiveness.
Policy analysis; understanding different stakeholders’ views and priorities; writing and communicating on complex issues in health system development and aid effectiveness in an understandable way; managing multi-disciplinary teams.
Background and relevant experience:
Phyllida Travis is a medical doctor with a Masters in Health Planning and Financing. She has 25 years’ experience in international public health with the World Health Organization, as health policy analyst, adviser and manager. From 2015-2019 she was Director, Health Systems Development, WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia. Before that she co-managed the International Health Partnership+, a global partnership of 63 partners aiming to improve health aid effectiveness, for five years. Before joining WHO she was a GP principal in the UK. Since 2019 she has been an independent consultant.
Recent experience:
- health policy and systems analysis and advice: on UHC, service delivery and health workforce development in Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Timor Leste; health system performance assessment in Mozambique, Uganda, Indonesia; oversight and regulation of non-state health care providers in Liberia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea; decentralization studies in Uganda, Kenya.
- health aid effectiveness in Rwanda, Nepal, Myanmar, Sierra Leone, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Uganda.
- Humanitarian assistance in the 1990’s in Rwanda (with Medecins sans Frontieres); Iraq (with Save the Children).
Phyllida is British, and is based in Bristol, UK. English mother tongue; intermediate French. For a full CV and list of publications email Phyllida at the address given at the top of this profile.