Katie Bigmore

Katie Bigmore

For a full and up to date CV, please email: katie.bigmore@nichad.org

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Tackling evidence gaps through research and learning. Promoting cross disciplinary partnerships and systems change. Connecting Climate Change and Health.


A public health specialist, making the links between disciplines, bridging humanitarian and development programming, finding solutions to complex and multifaceted challenges.

Background and relevant experience

  • Sector leader on Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning, seeking robust evidence, embracing innovation and adaptive approaches.
  • Skilled at managing teams, building alliances, coordinating multi-partner networks and sharing best practices to maximise impact.
  • Provider of trusted advice, working at senior levels at Integrity, Crown Agents, DFID, Sida, the World Bank, The Global Fund, UNAIDS, Futures Group, Action Aid, and Lepra.
  • 20+ years experienced of delivering results in challenging operating environments: Somalia, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Uganda, Ghana, Malawi, Angola, South Sudan, Syria, Pakistan, India and Brazil.

Recent experience

  • 2023-24 Independent Consultant – Conducting assessments, reviews and scoping studies. Providing strategy advice on climate change and health.
  • 2018-23 Vice President Delivery/Head of Health at Integrity - Oversight of global MERL portfolio, managing technical and commercial performance of projects financed by DFID/FCDO, USAID, WB, Foundations
    • Designed and delivered expert MERL services in complex and challenging operating contexts. Promoting co-design and maximising evidence uptake.
    • Project Director on evaluations and assessments covering Health, Humanitarian, Resilience, Climate, Migration/Displaced, Social Protection, Gender and Inclusion.
    • Management of a multinational team of 20+ MERL staff and a bench of 200+ consultant experts. Quality Assurer and escalation point for support to Project Directors, Team Leads and Project Managers.
  • 2017-2018 Director of Health at Crown Agents. Building a 10 person team across health and health supply chain, improving performance of programmes funded by DFID, UNICEF, CIFF, BMGF, WB, GFATM.
  • 2013-2017 Human Development Lead at DFID + Sida Somalia.
  • 2010-2013 Senior Health Specialist at WB Kenya.
  • 2006-2010 Health and AIDS Adviser at DFID Mozambique.
  • 2005-2006 Health and AIDS Adviser at DFID/UNAIDS Rwanda.
  • 2003-2005 Country Director and Adviser at Future Group Kenya.


Katie has lived over 20 years in East and Southern Africa and moved to the UK in 2017. Katie has a Geography degree from Loughborough University, a Masters degree in Development Studies from Bath University and a Masters in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Katie is fluent in Portuguese and conversational in French. Katie serves as a Trustee of the charity Lepra (Supporting research and innovation for leprosy). For a full CV please email Katie at the address given at the top of this page.